Episode #69: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
Updated: Jul 10, 2022
Listen to Episode 69 of the Podcast here while you enjoy the show notes.
SUMMARY - In Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, Bill S. Preston, Esq (played by Alex Winter) and Ted “Theodore” Logan (played by Keanu Reeves) may have passed their history exam, but that doesn’t mean the future is guaranteed. An evil genius from the future named De Nomolos is determined to change the course of history in his favor and the best way to do that is to kill Bill & Ted. He sends evil robot doppelgangers back in time to dispose of the budding rockers and take their place before a pivotal battle of the bands speech. The only way Bill & Ted can change the fate of the world this time will be to find a way to come back from the dead.
Screenplay by Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon; Directed by Peter Hewitt, and released on July 19, 1991.


We love seeing how movies depict the distant future. Gotta love the fashions and technology represented.

This movie is a big departure from the first film. There are some historical figures, but they don't factor into the story in any way.

It is a cartoony, over the top adventure, but that's a good thing.

That doesn't mean that there aren't some creepy or darker moments in there.

Some of the effects are pretty good. The practical stuff and the dual role parts aren't bad.

The attempts at digital ghost manipulation on the other hand....not so much.

The stylized personal hell segments added a nice flair of German Expressionism

Of course you have the games with Death that are mocking The Seventh Seal in a way that's still funny even though you know what's coming.


The movie doesn't explain a lot of stuff, and that's okay. We know not to take it too seriously because it never takes itself seriously.

There are characters called "the good robot us-es" after all.

The big climactic scene is highly enjoyable and a great way to end the movie. Although it would have been great to hear the inspirational speech that is mentioned by the villain.

Still, during the credits we get a great, funny series of news and magazine covers showing the ripple effects.

Awards Talk: William Sadler earned a Saturn WIN for Best Supporting Actor. The movie was also nominated for Best Special Effects. Even though it was ripe fodder for the MTV Movie Awards, it only made the Quotes montage.
This week we don't have any true crime for today, so we hop over to TV

Here's what you may have been watching that day
We also provide some additional details on a few of these shows:
Whose Side Are You On? Article - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-07-19-ca-2292-story.html?_amp=true
Sweating Bullets aka Tropical Heat -
Alien Nation - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096783/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3
Moving on to music, here are your Billboard 100 Bottom 5 songs as of July 20, 1991
100. Move Right Out - Rick Astley
99. Wanna Dance - Yasmin
98. Gotta Have You - Stevie Wonder (from Jungle Fever Soundtrack)
97. Love At First Sight - Styx
96. Couple Days Off - Huey Lewis & The News
Nikki 1-5 star scale - 3 out of 5
Jon 0-4 star scale - 3 out of 4
Would you watch it again? - For sure. We really appreciated how they were able to find different things to do with the characters while keeping their soul intact, for lack of a better term. It's only been a couple years since we've watched it last, and its such a fun movie that it wouldn't take much time before we'd be ready to watch this and/or "Excellent Adventure" again.
If you want to watch Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey, as of this recording in June 2022, it’s available on Prime, HBO, Paramount+, Epix, Tubi, PlutoTV, Roku Channel, Digital Rental, VHS, DVD. Check your local listings.
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