Episode #105: Nothing But Trouble
Listen to Episode 105 of the Podcast here while you enjoy the show notes.
SUMMARY - In Nothing But Trouble, Chris Thorne (played by Chevy Chase) is caught by the cops making a traffic violation in an extremely small town. Instead of receiving a ticket, he and the other three in the car, are brought before the judge (played by Dan Aykroyd) who holds them prisoner in a booby trapped mansion of horrors.
Screenplay by Dan Aykroyd; Directed by Dan Aykroyd; and released on February 15, 1991.


The movie gets off to a bad start with very quick character interactions that include Demi Moore's character Diane asking to borrow Chris' car in their second ever conversation.

The small town they pass through reminded us a little of Highway to Hell

The concept of the mechanical contraptions and booby traps all over the mansion is pretty interesting

However, it wasn't used all that effectively or very comedically.

The bonestripper should have been more menacing, but the producers toned down the picture

John Candy plays a dual role, but the mute sister's only "joke" is existing and being unattractive.

The Judge is made to look extremely old and the dick nose is largely a subtle touch that is exaggerated in a couple shots

The fuck is this shit?

Thankfully the movie is somewhat saved by Digital Underground

There is quite a lot of potential in this overall, but ultimately the script feels like a rough draft rather than a polished comedy with horror elements.

Awards Talk: At the Razzie Awards, Dan Aykroyd won for Worst Supporting Actor Aykroyd. It was also nominated for Worst Picture, Worst Actress (Demi Moore), Supporting Actress (Candy), Director, and Screenplay. It was the Stinkers Bad Movie winner for Worst Picture. On a positive note, it earned a Saturn nomination for Best Make-Up for David B Miller
This week we don't have any true crime to talk about so we're talking mostly about Digital Underground.
But first, we talk a little bit about Dan Aykroyd and his obsession with Ufology
We also cover the "Last Podcast on the Left" Interview with Dan Aykroyd
Digital Underground - Same Song - was a big hit and still gets regular airtime on old school hip hop stations.
There's no video for Tie the Knot, but here's the full song at least.
If you want the full Nothing But Trouble Soundtrack listing, here you go.
Digital Underground - This is An EP Release - has the 2 songs from this movie.
And we'll close with Damn Yankees - Bonestripper - which also has no official video
Nikki 1-5 star scale - 2 out of 5
Jon 0-4 star scale - 1/2 out of 4
Would you watch it again? - The only reason Jon would watch this a second time would be as part of a midnight screening with a crowd. Nikki is a bit more forgiving and would watch it again if it happened to be on, at least until the Digital Underground scene was over.
If you want to watch Nothing But Trouble, as of this recording in March 2023, it’s available on HBO, Digital Rental, VHS, DVD. Check your local listings.
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