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Episode #134: Child's Play 3


Listen to Episode 134 of the Podcast here while you enjoy the show notes.

SUMMARY - In Child’s Play 3, eight years have passed since Andy (now played by Justin Whalin) was able to destroy Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif). The abandoned factory re-activates, and Chucky’s blood is accidentally dripped into the vat where more Good Guy dolls are being made. Chucky has his new body so he can find teenage Andy at his military boarding school.

Screenplay by Don Mancini; Directed by Jack Bender; and released on August 30,1991.


The movie immediately throws confusion to the audience when Chucky's blood drips into this giant vat, but somehow only gets concentrated into one new doll

Andy is new. Not a bad actor, but it's honestly sad that this movie was churned out so quick as the original actor was fantastic.

Tyler is the new little kid who becomes the target and he's totally accepting of Chucky

The deaths in this are really disappointing. Cut aways and a heart attack?

The military setting didn't really lend itself to much either

and the ending takes place in this carnival in a giant ride with all kinds of dangerous traps

Clearly the movie was incredibly rushed and the special effects weren't as good, but it held our attention at least.

Awards Talk: At the Saturn Awards, it was nominated for Best Performance by a Younger Actor (Justin Whalin) and Best Horror Film. It also saw a Fangoria Chainsaw nomination for Best Supporting Actor Andrew Robinson (but he lost to his co-star Brad Dourif but for a different movie: Body Parts)


This week we cover two true crime stories that pertain to this movie and it's supposed influence. Please note that the details within these articles are gruesome and disturbing

First we detail the murder of James Bulger

Then we get into the murder of Suzanne Capper


Nikki 1-5 star scale - 2 out of 5

Jon 0-4 star scale - 1 out of 4

Would you watch it again? - It's better than Dolly Dearest, and we both liked it a bit better than Freddy's Dead, but this was clearly rushed out the door. We might watch it if this was part of a retrospective, but otherwise we still have plenty of other Chucky content that came out since that neither of us have seen, so we'd start there.

If you want to watch Child’s Play 3, as of this recording in October 2023, it’s available on Peacock, Fubo, Digital Rental, VHS, DVD. Check your local listings.


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