Episode #87: Out for Justice
Listen to Episode 87 of the Podcast here while you enjoy the show notes.
SUMMARY - In Out for Justice, Steven Seagal plays Gino, a New York City cop whose best friend was killed in front of his family by a drug-addled, mafia-connected criminal named Richie (played by William Forsythe). Gio is unable to let this affront to his way of life go unpunished so he goes around the city to confront Richie’s associates and family to personally administer justice.
Screenplay by R. Lance Hill (under the name David Lee Henry); Directed by John Flynn; and released on April 12, 1991.


The movie is a love letter from Steven Seagal to Steven Seagal. It is very clear that this is about him

In the middle of that we get a sometimes grisly movie with plenty of blood and violence.

And a good car chase sequence that is purposefully reminiscent of "The French Connection."

The movie thrives in the action scenes and they are hard-hitting, impactful, well-paced and interesting.

We also get a cute dog, but even the movie tends to forget about that subplot at times.

Honestly most of the subplots and characters are relatively useless.

Of course, we have to talk about the vigilante cop side of things where we are supposed to root for this hero who breaks many, many laws to take down one guy.

And we wish we could make some sort of sense out of the relationship, but there is no reason given for us to care.

It's best to just sit back and watch the fight scenes and turn your brain off to everything else.

Awards Talk: None to speak of this time
This week we're actually skipping pop culture and we're talking about Steven Segal.
First, please check out the Behind the Bastards Podcast - Their episode on Steven Seagal outlines all kinds of various controversies and troubles surrounding the actor.
We also go over the "disputed" Steven Seagal/Gene LeBell incident that may or may not have happened during the filming of this movie. We'll leave it up to you as to whether Gene's chokehold made Steven lose control of his bowels or not.
Lastly we also discuss Costabile “Gus” Farace, Jr. - whose story somewhat mirrors William Forsythe's character's.
Nikki 1-5 star scale - 2 out of 5
Jon 0-4 star scale - 1 out of 4
Would you watch it again? - This movie? Probably not. It was the first Seagal movie for both of us and we have no idea if this was a good place to start or not. We'd probably watch one of his other more popular movies, but the only thing worthwhile in this movie were the action scenes and that's not enough to come back for.
If you want to watch Out for Justice, as of this recording in October 2022, it’s available on Digital Rental, VHS, DVD. Check your local listings.
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